Jumbo Rocks and Ansel Adams on August 09, 2016 ansel adams boulder desert geometric Gordon Smith joshua tree jumbo rocks landscape national park round tree +
Jumbo Rocks Panorama: An Original Take at a Classic Location on July 29, 2016 boulder california Composition Gordon Smith joshua tree jumbo rocks landscape national park original panorama Photography Sunset wide +
Ryan Ranch in Joshua Tree National Park on July 29, 2016 adobe california Gordon Smith joshua tree landscape national park ruin ryan ranch Sunset +
Aiguille de Joshua Tree: the Finger of Hercules on May 11, 2016 aiguille de joshua tree Beautiful california Gordon Smith hidden valley hike joshua tree national park rock climbing +
Lost Pencil of Joshua Tree National Park on May 11, 2016 boulder california clear joshua tree lost pencil national park Rock sky Sunrise +
Cedar Pocket: Scenic corner of the Arizona Strip on September 01, 2015 Arizona cedar pocket desert joshua tree landscape southwest Sunrise +