Jumbo Rocks and Ansel Adams on August 09, 2016 ansel adams boulder desert +4 geometric Gordon Smith joshua tree jumbo rocks landscape national park round tree ansel adams boulder desert geometric Gordon Smith joshua tree jumbo rocks landscape national park round tree
Jumbo Rocks Panorama: An Original Take at a Classic Location on July 29, 2016 boulder california Composition +7 Gordon Smith joshua tree jumbo rocks landscape national park original panorama Photography Sunset wide boulder california Composition Gordon Smith joshua tree jumbo rocks landscape national park original panorama Photography Sunset wide
Ryan Ranch in Joshua Tree National Park on July 29, 2016 adobe california Gordon Smith +3 joshua tree landscape national park ruin ryan ranch Sunset adobe california Gordon Smith joshua tree landscape national park ruin ryan ranch Sunset
Aiguille de Joshua Tree: the Finger of Hercules on May 11, 2016 aiguille de joshua tree Beautiful +3 california Gordon Smith hidden valley hike joshua tree national park rock climbing aiguille de joshua tree Beautiful california Gordon Smith hidden valley hike joshua tree national park rock climbing
Lost Pencil of Joshua Tree National Park on May 11, 2016 boulder california clear +1 joshua tree lost pencil national park Rock sky Sunrise boulder california clear joshua tree lost pencil national park Rock sky Sunrise
Cedar Pocket: Scenic corner of the Arizona Strip on September 01, 2015 Arizona cedar pocket desert +1 joshua tree landscape southwest Sunrise Arizona cedar pocket desert joshua tree landscape southwest Sunrise