North Canyon: River Hike in the upper Grand Canyon

grand canyon river hike guide to side canyons
Yoga in the Inner Sanctum of North Canyon, a river hike from the Grand Canyon
North Canyon is the first river hike for many Grand Canyon trips because of beauty and its' isolation.  In the upper Grand Canyon there are not as many canyons to explore as the lower section.  North Canyon is a great introduction into the beautiful canyons to come.  One must climb significant rock rubble on creek left.  Nothing technical is required to reach the end but I hiked a full 30-45 minutes before reaching the end.
grand canyon river hike guide to side canyons
A steep hike up the creek wall allows one to explore further up canyon.
The reward at the end is an inner sanctum of molten sandstone that forms a natural bowl near its' terminus.  A tree grows in a room just before the water-filled end.
grand canyon river hike guide to side canyons
Layers of Sandstone and small tanks of water in North Canyon, Grand Canyon
grand canyon river hike guide to side canyons
A single tree in a natural shallow pocket within North Canyon
Many photograph this location emphasizing reflections on the water's surface.  I found that light pretty flat.  I also had a yoga model conveniently in my raft.  This human element ended up being my favorite ingredient. 

Gordon's hike rating:
Hike Difficulty:                   ★★★ Moderate
Trail Condition:                   ★★★ Fair:  the bypass around a long drop off is not obvious to many
Trail Hazards:                      ★★★ Moderate:  loose rocks and one long drop off that adds a fear factor
Trailhead:                             Colorado River mile 20, North Camp
Time Required:                     3-4 hours
Distance round trip:              3 miles
Off the Beaten Path:             ★★ No: only major canyon in this river section, so many stop here
Scenery:                                ★★★ Good, 3 Stars
Photographic Potential:        ★★★ Good, 3 Stars: reflecting pool, misshapen sandstone, vegetation