Yant Flat Sunrise Bursting over Candy Cliffs |
Yant Flat at sunrise is a dream come true. The sandstone colors glow in the morning rays of sunshine. Winter is the best time here because of the southern exposure of this sandstone slope. I drove out in complete darkness. I began hiking with headlamp but was able to turn it off after about 45 minutes of walking/hiking because light began filling the sky.
Yant Flat is a broad area. Like White Pocket or Coyote Buttes, you can explore and discover new things in several directions, some quite far away from the main section. My destination was the so-called "Candy Cliffs" located east and lower than the main area. I've also heard this called "rainbow ridge." Hiking down these cliffs is a bit treacherous because there are no trails and some steps are steep and irregular. Ankle sprains are the type of injury easy to incur. Using my tripod as a walking stick, I made it down here without harm. I even made it before the sun! (It seems I'm often racing the sun or waiting for it to do something.)
These photos are from the candy cliffs just at the moments of first sunshine. Those low clouds in the picture above hid the sun for a while and then allowed it to poke through again.
Colorful Candy Cliffs |
Waiting for Sunrise at Yant Flat |
Candy Cliffs with Sandstone Tower |
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